Kickstart deploys cloud and multi-cloud networks in minutes without any effort. Once the hub/spoke transit network is built in the cloud, it will act as a core networking layer on which one can add more use-cases as needed later.
The lightweight automation script deploys an Aviatrix controller and an Aviatrix transit architecture in AWS (and optionally in Azure). Everything is self-contained in a docker image. You do not need to install anything besides docker run time on your laptop/desktop/VM/instance.
Important Note
- This tool works the best for brand new Aviatrix Controller deployment
- It is not recommended to launch the controller if one deployed already
- If you have previously deployed Aviatrix Controller under the AWS account, you will receive the following errors. You need to manually remove those roles and policies before moving forward
Error: Error creating IAM Role aviatrix-role-ec2: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name aviatrix-role-ec2 already exists.
Error: Error creating IAM Role aviatrix-role-app: EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name aviatrix-role-app already exists.
Error: Error creating IAM policy aviatrix-assume-role-policy: EntityAlreadyExists: A policy called aviatrix-assume-role-policy already exists. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Error: Error creating IAM policy aviatrix-app-policy: EntityAlreadyExists: A policy called aviatrix-app-policy already exists. Duplicate names are not allowed.
Brief Deployment Instructions
Before you start the deployment process, you need to do/have following
- AWS accounts with root access
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Access Key
- AWS Keypair name (for the test EC2 instances) in the region (default region in standard mode is us-east-2) where you are planning to deploy the Spoke VPCs
- Subscribe to Aviatrix Controller software in the AWS marketplace
- Install Dockers and make sure Docker Desktop is running in your Mac / Linux or Windows Laptop, Desktop, VM, or EC2 during the deployment process
- Run the following CLI commands on your laptop, desktop, VM, or EC2
- % docker volume create TF
- % docker run -v TF:/root -p 5000:5000 -d aviatrix/kickstart-gui
It should show you progress as follows
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker run -v TF:/root -p 5000:5000 -d aviatrix/kickstart-gui
Unable to find image 'aviatrix/kickstart-gui:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from aviatrix/kickstart-gui
188c0c94c7c5: Pull complete
269daf956265: Pull complete
932e18d0c55d: Pull complete
3eebf109acbf: Pull complete
704fc01fe5c0: Pull complete
1fff100b1be8: Pull complete
b6b3de2ab177: Pull complete
d760a63fff4d: Pull complete
8eeeebe7f48f: Pull complete
f5d70a31f2a8: Pull complete
aa15b35f27d5: Pull complete
98bf76eb1939: Pull complete
51cbf27a70a8: Pull complete
f1497051644d: Pull complete
9c5a173e5d5c: Pull complete
39acd96b15aa: Pull complete
e4c46d457a8c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1b510889995425b3f628a38ac81c056b52be6848d94944ddef94db3f00f3f628
Status: Downloaded newer image for aviatrix/kickstart-gui:latest
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ %
In your web browser type and follow the Standard UI workflow
Detailed Deployment Instructions

The workflow is very simple to follow. The Azure step is optional.

After that you should skip step 6 and 7. This will complete the deployment
- The debug option in the UI provides the logs
- You can also use this URL
- For checking the logs inside the container itself follow these steps
### Find the container process name using the docker ps commmand ###
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker ps
e773a53d34ca aviatrix/kickstart-gui "/bin/sh -c 'python3…" 17 hours ago Up 17 hours>5000/tcp awesome_hofstadter
### To login to container istself use docker exec command ###
shahzadali@shahzad-ali /Users % docker exec -it awesome_hofstadter bash
### To check the docker logs without loggin into the container user docker logs command ###
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker logs -f awesome_hofstadter
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker logs -f awesome_hofstadter | more
[2021-01-11T22:13:32+0000] INFO __main__:24 Aviatrix kickstart has been started.
* Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
[2021-01-11T22:13:32+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
[2021-01-11T22:13:32+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 * Restarting with stat
[2021-01-11T22:13:32+0000] INFO __main__:24 Aviatrix kickstart has been started.
[2021-01-11T22:13:32+0000] WARNING werkzeug:113 * Debugger is active!
[2021-01-11T22:13:32+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 * Debugger PIN: 320-893-258
[2021-01-11T22:13:50+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:50] "ESC[37mGET / HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:50+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:50] "ESC[37mGET /static/css/main.16b366d6.chunk.css HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:50+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:50] "ESC[37mGET /static/js/main.c622dd7f.chunk.js HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:50+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:50] "ESC[37mGET /static/js/2.746a07c0.chunk.js HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:50+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:50] "ESC[37mGET /static/media/Roboto-Regular.03523cf5.ttf HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:51+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:51] "ESC[37mGET /static/media/Roboto-Light.0cea3982.ttf HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:51+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:51] "ESC[37mGET /static/media/Roboto-Bold.4f39c579.ttf HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:51+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:51] "ESC[37mGET /api/v1.0/get-statestatus HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:51+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:51] "ESC[37mGET /static/media/Roboto-Medium.13a29228.ttf HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:51+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:51] "ESC[37mGET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:51+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:51] "ESC[37mGET /logo192.png HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:54+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:54] "ESC[37mPOST /api/v1.0/mode-selection HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
[2021-01-11T22:13:54+0000] INFO werkzeug:113 - - [11/Jan/2021 22:13:54] "ESC[37mGET /api/v1.0/get-statestatus HTTP/1.1ESC[0m" 200 -
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker logs -f awesome_hofstadter | tail
/root/ line 743: export: `': not a valid identifier
To delete the docker volume
To delete docker volume try following
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker volume remove TF
Error response from daemon: remove TF: volume is in use - [4a75b428ff5badf368f1dc9761c51b903652d8cfa4da70b2bdd543be3d352fea, 7f54de5c900d28d23ea61965423394534fe40dd769b20ff78f3a31c1fa98987d]
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ %
If it gives you the error, then try following
shahzadali@shahzad-ali ~ % docker system prune
WARNING! This will remove:
- all stopped containers
- all networks not used by at least one container
- all dangling images
- all dangling build cache
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Deleted Containers:
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