- The requires only single VPC for testing purposes
- Aviatrix ingress filtering gateway (aka public subnet filter PSF) is deployed in the public subnet
- External ALB deployed in the same public subnet as AVX-PSF-GW
- WordPress App was launched in the non-routable private subnet (vpc2-subnet1)
- Bonus testing with Internal ALB
- Test Windows EC2 was launched in a private subnet (vpc2-subnet2).
- A pubic IP address was assigned so I can RDP into it and test the internal ALB functionality
- The 0/0 route table pointed to eni of PSF-GW which acts as a NAT-GW for not only to bring the traffic in but also to send out towards the public Internet
Following is the final topology

Deployment Screen Shots with External ALB
Aviatrix PSF GW Deployment

General Info
Gateway name: aws-psfgw1-vpc2-uswest2
Cloud type: 1
Account name: shahzad-aws
Region: us-west-2
Gateway subnet AZ: us-west-2a
Ingress IGW route table ID: rtb-0cc03b16fef17a6d8
Gateway subnet CIDR:
Gateway route table ID: rtb-0fa7cfd751d1f0381
Guard duty enforced: yes

PSF GW Raw Config
General Information:
Account Name: shahzad-aws
Gateway Name: aws-psfgw1-vpc2-uswest2
Gateway Original Name: aws-psfgw1-vpc2-uswest2
VPC ID: vpc-0a6933729014dc26e
Region: us-west-2
Primary CIDR:
Subnet CIDR:, ID: subnet-026eabb64d25a6bce
Type: vpc_legacy
GW Instance Public IP:
GW EBS encryption: True
GW Instance Private IP:
GW Instance Size: t3.micro
Direct Internet: yes
Designated gateway: No
Extended public CIDRs: None
Single AZ gateway HA: yes
monitor subnets: disable
ActiveMesh mode: no
Stateful Firewall: Disabled
Private S3: Disabled
Egress Control: Disabled
summarized_cidrs: None
SNAT Enabled: no
VPN Access: disabled
Subnet Information:
subnet-01c282c7b4931a641 us-west-2a
subnet-08acde6fb33c7dc0b us-west-2b
subnet-026eabb64d25a6bce us-west-2a
subnet-0073a332e7bf9e6a4 us-west-2a
subnet-090552a3e46312188 us-west-2a
AWS Configuration Details
AWS VPC2 was used for this configuration.

VPC2 Route Table is shown as follows

Following screen shows VPC2 Route Table. It has an “Ingress Routing” table that was programmed by Aviatrix Controller. Aviatrix uses AWS Ingress Routing feature to deliver this functionality

External ALB Config

Click here to access the WordPress App using the External ALB. This link will not work after my test lab is destroyed.
Internal ALB Configuration
This step is optional and only required if some internal team wants to access the same farm of web-server behind the ALB.

Testing for Internal ALB
Following WordPress EC2 was deployed for testing
AMI ID ami-02ddad6f7544a1442
Platform details Linux/UNIX
AMI name bitnami-wordpress-5.5.1-0-linux-debian-10-x86_64-hvm-ebs-7d426cb7-9522-4dd7-a56b-55dd8cc1c8d0-ami-06dd595c4559434b3.4
Termination protection Disabled
Launch time Mon Sep 21 2020 01:03:16 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) (about 12 hours)
AMI location aws-marketplace/bitnami-wordpress-5.5.1-0-linux-debian-10-x86_64-hvm-ebs-7d426cb7-9522-4dd7-a56b-55dd8cc1c8d0-ami-06dd595c4559434b3.4
I did RDP into the Windows jumb machine and did a traceroute. It shows that I am routed internally and not going towards the Internet

From the same jumb box machine I used browser to access wordpress using the internal ALB

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